Rest Is Productive

I don’t know the root reason why, but out of the blue this afternoon I started to feel so tired, physically and mentally I just felt so exhausted. Truthfully, I haven’t given myself the time and space to rest as yet, but it reminded me of the importance of rest, and also the reality that rest is indeed productive.

When I say rest is productive what tends to come up for you? Would you agree or do you think I sound crazy? haha! I remember a few months ago I was speaking with a girlfriend of mine about my lack of productivity and my presence of rest instead, and she told me, rest is productive, & even though I probably already knew this was true, it felt so different to actually hear it.

It is important to work, and, it is important to rest. Productivity doesn’t only look like punching in and making money; productivity has different faces and all of them are valid. If in this season your productivity looks different than it did before, that is completely okay. Give yourself room, space, and permission to rest. It is okay to take self-care days. It is okay to lounge about some days without trying to check everything off of a to-do list. It is okay to spend time connecting with yourself, God, and the people in your life instead of feeling the need to work with the time you have.

As with everything else in this life, balance is key. Even if other people try to project their desires and expectations onto you, I hope that you will find enough security in who you are and the kind of person you want to become to leave that at the door. We all have a different relationship with rest for one reason or another, and how and when you rest is your choice. Don’t ever think you need to succumb to the pressure - rest is productive too. ♥️