How Your Family Impacts Your EQ

Our family of origin impacts so many aspects of our lives. Family of origin refers to the body of persons you primarily grew up with. For some this may be biological parents & siblings, adopted parents & siblings, or grandparents & cousins/siblings, depending on your situation. From our personal development, to the way we function within our relationships, the ways in which we communicate, and our own emotional awareness and expression - we learn so much for our primary system.

When it comes to EQ this isn’t something that develops overnight or is it stagnant. It’s fueled by our environment, our relationships & our desire to be better.

Your family of origin has the potential to be one of the most filling and sound spaces in your life. It has the potential to teach you well and to lead you along a path where both you and your relationships flourish. Conversely, it also has the potential to do the exact opposite. Your family of origin can teach you to lean into conflict or to avoid it, it can teach you how to manage your emotions well or it can teach you the opposite, it can teach you how to be vulnerable and open or it can teach you to close yourself off and build walls instead. Take some time and think of how your family of origin has impacted the person you are today and the way in which you navigate your relationships. You may discover more than you think.

Ultimately, whether you had a great experience with your family of origin, or one that wasn’t the healthiest or best for you, I want you to do you can find lessons in your experience no matter where it falls. My hope & prayer for you is that you’re ever surrounded by healthy relationships, and even when you may not, that you’ll learn, grow & flourish regardless. Remember, the lens through which you view yourself and your relationships developed way before this moment. ♥️✨