7 Things That Can Add Salt To Relational Wounds

Relational wounds are wounds inflicted upon your relationship as a result of something said or done that’s left a negative impact. While relational wounds aren’t completely avoidable, the way in which we choose to handle them matters a great deal.

In Couples’ therapy one of the things couples may struggle with is Conflict Management and knowing how to manage conflict in a healthy way. A part of this is knowing how to tend to relational wounds when they occur, and sometimes, a partner or spouse may make a relational wound worse without even knowing.

Some of the things that can add salt to relational wounds are:

  • Using blaming language

  • Continuously bringing up past issues

  • Choosing to ignore the wound

  • Unforgiveness

  • Using your partner’s/spouse’s vulnerability as a weapon

  • Speaking in absolutes

  • Choosing to be unkind to your partner/spouse

Although facing relational wounds isn’t always easy, the health of your relationship requires you to tend to them as best as you and your partner can. Whether it’s to begin Couples’ therapy, seek out wise counsel, or choose to sit down and have a tough and uncomfortable conversation, repair requires you to get in there and face the wound.

It’s a process, and it will take time to do this well, but remember you don’t have to do it alone - you get to navigate this process with the one you love! ♥️